Sunday, December 17, 2017

How to set up EC2 instance in AWS Cloud

Today, I am going to show how to set up EC2 instance on  AWS cloud.

Login to AWS console and go to Services> Compute >EC2

Next, choose the  OS/platform you want to select. I selected Ubuntu which is also free tier eligible.

Next, choose the hardware type-cpu, memory, storage etc

Next, choose other details, like security groups, choose a new key pair if you haven't created.Download your private key here -this is important.It will be in .pem format. Add tags etc and finally review the configuration

Finally, launch the instance. It will take a while-couple of minutes and then instance will come up

Finally your instance us up! and you can get the details-public dns, public IP and other details. 

Now before connect to this instance using putty, Use puttykeygen to convert .pem into .ppk. 
Load . pem and save the private key-.ppk.  Now connect to putty using 
ubuntu@"Public DNS" as give above, remember to give the above .ppk in Connection >SSH >Auth in putty.

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cynthiawilliams said...
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