Thursday, July 8, 2021

Configure ISG Rest services in R12.2.9

In Oracle Apps R12.2.9, follokw the below steps to configure Integreated SOA gateway

1 select substr(user_name, 1, 30) name, substr(role_name, 1, 30) role 

From wf_local_user_roles 

Where user_name='ASADMIN';

2 Confirm if the below queries retrieve the same password for ASADMIN user. 

select fnd_vault.get ( 'ISG', 'ASADMIN' ) from dual;

select fnd_vault.get ( 'FND', 'ASADMIN' ) from dual;

3 Update ASADMIN password in FND_VAULT using the below script. Replace ASADMIN password accordingly. 

@$FND_TOP/sql/afvltput.sql FND ASADMIN Fish1234

4 ant -f $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd/txk/util/txkSoaConfigUtility.xml addASADMINToFNDVault

-- this will update under ISG

5 Confirm that the ASADMIN user's password is correct. Substitute it for the ASADMIN user password. 

Select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('ASADMIN','Fish1234') From dual;

6  Source the applications run file system environment file

Admin server should be up for this

Run the following script:

perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/

--> the script took 10 mins

select fnd_vault.get('ISG','ISGADMIN') from dual;

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